To help you be successful, post-corporate means to look long and hard and answer the following 3 questions:

  1. What is your unique expertise?
  2. Where is your expertise valued as a paid-for-service?
  3. How can you get your message known to that potential market?

It may be difficult to answer these questions initially, and we hope this video blog can help.


Many options exist for the Post Corporate Executive – the top 3 options are the focus here today:

1st is Independent Consultant

2nd is Interim Management

3rd is Entrepreneurship

To define these 3 terms for you:

An Independent Consultant is usually an expert or a professional in a specific field that has wide knowledge of the subject matter.

They charge Clients for their services on a daily basis or project basis.  Often called Advisor, Mentor, Coach, Facilitator or Consultant.

Interim Management: can be seen as a temporary assignment of a proven heavyweight interim executive to manage a period of transition, a crisis or some change within an organization.

Interim Managers are usually brought in on a project basis, often on 3-6 month renewable Contracts.

Entrepreneur: An entrepreneur is a person who has possession of a new enterprise, venture or idea and they are accountable for all of the inherent risks AND the outcome of the business.

You can be entrepreneurial in anything from a sole proprietorship to a shared partnership, you could be a franchise owner or start a new Corporation or become Incorporated – These options require a LONG TERM commitment with the potential to leave a sustainable and valuable legacy for you and your family.

To determine which of these 3 options suit you the best, either Independent Consultant or Interim Management or entrepreneurship – then try to answer another few quick questions :

a.)   Do you prefer SHORT TERM type engagements or are you looking for Variety?  Do you prefer to
go into a company, make a difference, implement a change then get out?

If yes, then short term assignments like being a Coach, Consultant, Facilitator and Mentor
may be suitable roles for you.

b.)  Or…. do you prefer Long term Commitments, where you are part of the strategic planning
process but you get to stay and follow through the implementation of those initiatives?

Then Interim Management, Long term Contracts and Entrepreneurial choices will be more suitable to you.

To help you further define where you are at on this subject, ask yourself…
Do you prefer People or Processes?

  • Which part or parts of working with People stimulates you the most, perhaps it’s the team-building or mentoring or training.


  • Which part of working with Processes stimulates you the most, perhaps it’s streamlining processes, or aligning internal teams, or sourcing vendors – each of us are different, unique.

If you would like to discover more information on defining your unique expertise and options for earning income in this post corporate chapter of your life, we’d like to help. Please send a request here.