The Choice!
Why Outsource a Professional RFP Writer
Aristotle, the founder of the ‘choice theory’ believed that “the origin of a choice is desire and reasoning with a view to an end” hence “choice cannot exist without reason”.
Aristotle’s theory makes perfect sense.
If we have to make choice between eating a banana and a piece of cake, we all know that the banana is a nutritious item and would support our long-term goal of a healthy diet, whereas eating the cake would certainly provide us with only short-term gratification.
Both choices present a high degree of certainty, and the implications of selecting one option over the other are highly predictable.
The same theory applies when we have to make a choice between using a professional to help us to respond to an RFI, RFQ, or RFP – or doing it in-house.
By not outsourcing the task, we certainly will satisfy our short-term desire to keep expenses low, the only real benefit – although this may be highly deceptive.
Actual funds not paid out may actually turn into increased costs. Specifically in terms of loss of productivity through the distraction and extensive use of the company’s human capital that become responsible for coordinating and responding to the proposal.
Outsourcing RFI, RFQ, or RFP proposals on the other hand, have numerous critical advantages:
- All mandatory requirements of the RFI, RFQ, or RFP issuer are met, and the risks associated with disqualification are eliminated. There are endless examples where companies are disqualified, due to simple submission errors.
- The content and tone of the responses are aligned and consistent in one voice, instead of the copy/paste approach that many companies use – it becomes geared towards precision in truly addressing the RFP Proposal issuers’ needs;
- Value Propositions are well emphasized, positioned, customized according to the RFI, RFQ, or RFP requirements, and offered more than a boilerplate, a few standardized watery clichés.
Outsourcing RFI, RFQ and RFP responses ensures that the best possibility to gain new business or secure an existing piece of business, is possible.
However, the actual outcome is still dependent on the choice of the decision-makers of the RFI, RFQ, or RFP issuer.
By understanding that we have choices, and knowing what we want to achieve in the long-term is essential before deciding to respond to an RFI, RFQ, or RFP. And if you are considering outsourcing the writing elements of a response, this will certainly guide you towards a fruitful and sustainable outcome.
You have a choice!
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