Cheryl Cran’s latest book, “The Art of Change Leadership,” inspires how to positively transform the world through continuous self-metamorphosis, while guiding those in your sphere of influence to evolve, at the individual and organizational level. Her secret is to sustain energetic excitement, spawning new opportunity from any challenge.
Cran maps timeless understanding of change to fresh applicability in our world of social media, cloud computing and the sharing economy.
Here are some highlights from her sets of “6”.
- CHANGE: triggers shock, fear, reflex reaction
- PAST: cling to past for solace, protection; offers insights to help move forward
- RESISTANCE: fear of failure/loss; reluctance to shift norms/routines
- DISCOVER: accept the inevitable and seek opportunities to move forward; shift to positive energy
- INTEGRATE: creativity and higher energy level
- FUTURE: maximum optimism, inspiration.
Right now, I am at the DISCOVER stage of reinventing my career. After overcoming the pain and fear of major surgery and being displaced by outsourcing, I have left the security of the past behind, embracing the excitement and challenge of new possibilities.
6 characteristics of CHANGE that drive SUSTAINABLE TRANSFORMATION: via continuous reorganization:
- treat disruption and challenges as opportunities
- welcome complaints and problems as blessings
- use creative solutions as re-organizational tools
- see conflict as opportunity to better organize & generate fresh solutions
- ask questions about the bigger picture
- add value continuously at all levels across the organization.
For me, transforming myself from the corporate world to becoming a consultant is a tremendous mind shift. Every day I strive to add value at the more global level by providing free content. This is achieved by continuous learning and adaptation, as an individual.
- Assess YOUR current level of technological adaptability: how can you increase YOUR technology skills?
- Who can you learn from?
- Regular training on social media tools & techniques?
- Open mind to bring your own device (BYOD) and multitasking on multiple devices?
- Do you have a plan to optimize usage across your organization re social media?
- Do you have as a goal to integrate your people skills with your technology skills to maximize business transformation?
Over the past while I have become an active Twitter user, sending content-related tweets as part of my routine.
I am creating blog articles and am planning a social media marketing campaign for my husband’s business. Most exciting is having teamed up with a Generation Y entrepreneur, as my mentor (Thank you Bonnie Chan)!
Cran describes the significance of energy states:
- Moving from a lower to higher energy state is what makes transformational progress possible.
- Energy poor = a challenge; a setback resulting in survival mode
- Energy neutral = maintain status quo, humming along, good enough for a while
- Energy rich = ongoing success, constant attention to add value, optimism, creativity, innovation, world centric focus, future thinking
As do Waller and Raskino, in ” Digital to the Core,” Cran’s message is to embrace disruption as the mother of opportunity.
How can YOU attain an energy rich state?
Summarizing Cran’s 6 ways to attain energy rich state in your organization, optimizing education and training, while continuously revising processes, policies and procedures:
Thank you for viewing my Part 2 of my Blog ‘Embracing Change in the Digital Age’.
Here is a link to Part 3 in my series: Embracing Change in the Digital Age – Part 3
Here is a link to Part 1 in my series: Embracing Change in the Digital Age – Part 1
Fay Rakoff
Benyus, J. M. (1997). Biomimicry. United States: HarperCollins Publishers Inc.
Bilboq. Busy clipart. (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
Crabbe, T. (2015). How to Thrive in a World of Too Much Busy. New York: Hachette Book Group.
Cran, C. (2016). The Art of Change Leadership. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Raskino, M., Waller, G. (2015) Digital to the Core. United States: Gartner, Inc.
Ries, E. (2011). The Lean Startup. New York: Crown Business.
Robertson, B. J. (2015). Holacracy. New York: Henry Holt and Company, LLC.
Dr. Schlachter, C. T., Hildebrandt, T. (2012). Leading Busines Change for Dummies. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Sudosurootdev. Change leadership clipart. (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
Crabbe, T. (2015). How to Thrive in a World of Too Much Busy. New York: Hachette Book Group.
Cran, C. (2016). The Art of Change Leadership. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Raskino, M., Waller, G. (2015) Digital to the Core. United States: Gartner, Inc.
Ries, E. (2011). The Lean Startup. New York: Crown Business.
Robertson, B. J. (2015). Holacracy. New York: Henry Holt and Company, LLC.
Dr. Schlachter, C. T., Hildebrandt, T. (2012). Leading Busines Change for Dummies. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Sudosurootdev. Change leadership clipart. (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
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