personal brandingBranding as a professional is the most important tool to take advantage of when enhancing your reputation as an expert in your field. Using this powerful tool has the ability to create associated credibility, value and quality among those within your target audience. In other words, it’s your bread and butter when others are asked to describe you to their friends and/or cooworkers. As mentioned in my previous blog “How To Brand Yourself And Why Personal Branding Matters,” it’s important to recognize the truth, and the truth is, “we trust, we rely and we think of the people with valued credibility.” It really is that simple and once you have your personal brand all figured out, the next logical thing to do is showcase it to the world.

But where should you begin?

Here are the 7 factors to consider when preparing to showcase your Personal Brand to the world.

  1. Business Cards:

    Networking is the best way to meet new people in your industry and whether or not you are a student, consultant and/or CEO, it is expected that you have a business card. Along with sharing it with others, It also gives you a good opportunity to experiment with different business card designs. Never underestimate the power of design!

  2. Portfolio:

    Whether it’s in print or online, having a portfolio handy is the best way to showcase your ability to please those looking to utilize your services. It reveals your capacity and assures those you share it with that you are capable of fulfilling their needs.

  3. Website with a blog:

    Having a Website with a blog is very important to today’s age. Not only does it show active commitment to your brand, it also gives you a good opportunity to control what others see when they search for you online. Websites with blogs rank higher on search engines than those without. With this in mind, it’s important to host a blog because it will make the content you display more likely to be found by others.

  4. LinkedIn:

    If you’re not on the LinkedIn band wagon yet, what are you waiting for? Just like a website with a blog, LinkedIn also allows for you to control what others find when they search for you. Take advantage of that internet real estate and start making your connections online. Use LinkedIn to leverage your brand by showcasing your experiences, what others have to say about you and your skills. If you haven’t read my previous blog titled “10 Reasons To Use A LinkedIn Strategy For Professional Branding,” now would be a good time.

  5. Facebook:

    Depending on your personal brand, Facebook may or may not be an appropriate option for you. However, if you do decide to utilize this platform, make sure you are doing so in a professional way. Use clear photos that represent your personality and be as clear and concise about what you do and represent.

  6. Twitter:

    Twitter is probably the best tool out there right now to promote yourself and your services. Remember to keep your tweets clean and professional and relevant to your expertise and industry. Share relevant content you think would be interesting for your targeted audience and engage with others similar to you. Keep your profile description concise and make sure it is consistent with your personal brand. Consistency is key.

  7. Wardrobe:

    Dress the part. Be with the times but also stay true to your own unique identity and style. Wear your colour. If a lot of your branding online is blue, wearing blue will leverage your personal brand and stick with people. As mentioned earlier, consistency is key.

In a world full of industry professionals just like you, how will you make sure you stick out?

If you are still unclear about your personal brand, download this free activity sheet to help you determine which words really describe your personal brand. Once you figure this out, start making sure you are consistent with what and who you represent.

Download this free worksheet I’ve created to help you think of 5 words that represent you as a business professional. If you can’t pick 5 words from this matrix to describe yourself in less than 5 minutes, you have some work to do!

Thank you for reading and as always, we welcome your comments below.[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]