Boardroom Metrics works with Nonprofit Boards across North America on CEO and Non Profit Board Self Assessment.
Fillable Nonprofit Board Self Assessment
This fillable Nonprofit Board Self Assessment is an editable PDF form. There are twenty survey questions on the role of the Board, governance oversight and Board operations. These are the same Board Evaluation survey questions we customize for use with our clients. Nonprofit Boards can easily download and implement this fillable Board self assessment to evaluate their governance effectiveness.
Price for this nonprofit Board self assessment is $5.99 USD. Single or multiple copies. The download link can be shared with everyone completing the survey for 48 hours. Satisfaction guaranteed. Full refund if not completely satisfied.
PayPal including Credit Card
- It is immediately usable. There is no time or effort required to duplicate or edit the form or to develop governance evaluation criteria.
- Data collected is both quantitative (ratings) and qualitative (feedback). This enhances assessment quality and results.
- Multiple copies can be downloaded. The download link can be shared with the Board for 48 hours at no extra cost.
- Easy to follow instructions for completing the Board evaluation and evaluating the results are included.
Adobe Acrobat is required to view and use this fillable template. For those that don’t already have Acrobat installed, here is a link to the free version for download.
“This is the best Board self-assessment tool our Board has ever used.”
Objectives of the Nonprofit Board Self Assessment Process
The key objectives of the nonprofit Board self assessment process are to measure current governance effectiveness and identify opportunities for improvement. Most Board assessments are conducted annually. Regular monitoring helps the Board maintain and improve its governance effectiveness. It also helps the Board measure progress against planned improvements from previous Board evaluations.
Specific Goals of the Nonprofit Board Self Assessment
- Measure Board and CEO understanding of the Board’s role, its governance oversight responsibilities and Board operations
- Define opportunities for aligning the Board with its role and identify opportunities for improving Board operations
- Construct and monitor a plan for maintaining, increasing Board effectiveness
- Enhance the relationship between the Board and the CEO
- Assist the Board in fulfilling its primary governance duty of ensuring that the organization is well lead
Tips for Using the Fillable Nonprofit Board Self Assessment
- Include the CEO in the Nonprofit Board Self Assessment process. The CEO works closely with the Board and it is vital to understand the CEO’s perspective.
- Ensure that all responses and feedback are confidential. If participants fear the confidentiality of their feedback, they may not answer honestly.
- Allow approximately ten days for the Board to complete the self assessment. Allowing too much or too little time is not helpful.
- Results of the nonprofit Board self assessment should be summarized and presented to the Board. Typically this is handled by the Governance Committee (or an outside consultant).
- The outcome of a successful nonprofit board self assessment should be a plan to address opportunities for improving governance effectiveness.
Need help customizing a nonprofit Board self assessment? Get expert assistance.
The CUSTOM BOARD AND CEO EVALUATION SERVICE is designed for Boards who need help developing and implementing a custom Board or CEO evaluation. Evaluations can be developed specifically for any organization. In addition, Boardroom Metrics eliminates additional Board effort and cost by implementing the evaluation process ON-LINE. All the Board needs to do is interpret the results.
For more information on the custom Board and CEO evaluation services email [email protected] or call 416-994-6552.
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