Board Effectiveness Evaluation Design

Board Effectiveness Evaluation Design Service

The Board Effectiveness Evaluation Design service makes it simple for Boards to implement custom-designed ON-LINE Board and CEO evaluations for their organizations.

board effectiveness evaluation design service

How the Board Effectiveness Design Process Works

Boardroom Metrics has designed and administered hundreds of Board and CEO evaluations for our consulting clients. This focused, cost-effective service is for any organization seeking a high-quality, custom, hassle-free CEO evaluation (or Board evaluation) for their organization. Here’s how it works:

  • Week 1. We do a phone call/virtual meeting with you to discuss your goals.
  • Week 2. We get back to you with draft survey questions and an ON-LINE design customized to your needs.
  • Week 3. We work with you to finalize and test the survey questions and design.
  • Week 4. We launch the survey ON-LINE and begin gathering responses
  • Week 7. We finish gathering all the responses.
  • Week 8. We provide you with tabulated results and a presentation of the findings.

How Custom Design Improves Board Effectiveness Evaluation Quality

There are thousands of templates on-line that a Board can use to develop their Board and CEO evaluations. However, every organization and every CEO is different. Although there is some overlap in evaluation criteria, there will be important criteria specific to each organization/Board/CEO. For example, the performance goals of every CEO and the strategic priorities of every organization will be different.

From experience, we know that Board and CEO Evaluations have much greater credibility and buy-in when they are clearly designed for the organization or CEO being evaluated.

Board Effectiveness Evaluations for Public, Private and Not-for-Profit Boards

Here are the key reasons clients choose this service to help them implement their custom CEO and Board Effectiveness Evaluations.

  1. Most Boards implement Board and CEO evaluations on their own. They are not working with a governance consultant or other supplier.
  2. Most Boards are uncertain about the effectiveness of their current evaluation designs and are often searching for ideas and designs that will make their evaluations better.
  3. Most Boards would prefer greater control and involvement in the design process. They recognize that an evaluation customized for their specific organization is likely more effective.
  4. Most Boards would prefer access to some governance expertise but only if the price is reasonable and the outputs are clear.

Pricing for Board Effectiveness and CEO Evaluation Design and Implementation

8 week process $2500 + HST

This is significantly more cost effective than a typical consulting project to design, implement and consult on a custom Board or CEO evaluation. Cost for these projects range between ten and twenty thousand dollars.

In addition, this process eliminates between fifteen to thirty hours of Board time researching, designing, implementing and executing a (Board or) CEO evaluation. Instead of design and administration, the Board can focus exclusively on results and plans.

Background on Boardroom Metrics

For twenty-five years Boardroom Metrics has worked with public, private and not-for-profit organizations on Governance effectiveness including:

  • Board Evaluations
  • CEO Evaluations
  • Board and CEO succession planning
  • Board strategic planning
  • Board governance education

Fillable templates for Board Evaluations, CEO Evaluations, CEO Succession Planning and Board Governance can be downloaded from this site.

Contact us for more information