Waterloo RFP Writer Services
Waterloo RFP Writer Proposal Response Services Conveniently located near Waterloo Ontario, Boardroom Metrics provides RFP, RFI and other response writing services to organizations across North America. The Boardroom Metrics [...]
Top 12 Tips for How To Write an RFP Response
Here are twelve top tips for how to write an RFP. These tips for how to write an RFP are effective and not very complicated. They are compiled from [...]
Increase RFP Win-Rate With a Professional Proposal Assessment
Are you satisfied with your current RFP win-rate? We speak with many clients who are frustrated with their RFP, RFI win-rate. They are concerned that the proposals they are [...]
The Power of Business Storytelling
Stories sell. Just ask Iceland. Iceland?! In the wake of the 2008 global financial crisis, this Nordic country of roughly 300,000 was brought to its knees. With few people and [...]
RFP Tips for the Executive Summary
A common RFP Proposal Response misconception that I have seen across North America is about the Executive Summary (ES). If the RFP proposal doesn’t ask for an Executive Summary, should [...]
How to Improve RFP Response Success
Are You Tracking Lessons Learned To Help Improve RFP Response Success? I have been involved in RFP and Proposal responses as part of teams for many years. Many of these [...]