The Best Advice You Will Ever Get to Win an RFP
Here’s the best advice we've got for winning an RFP: Read. The. RFP. Whether you are writing the response yourself or engaging a professional writer, reading the entire Request for [...]
Here’s the best advice we've got for winning an RFP: Read. The. RFP. Whether you are writing the response yourself or engaging a professional writer, reading the entire Request for [...]
Boardroom Metrics provides Request for Proposal (RFP) response writing for Information Technology clients in the United States, Canada and Europe. Information Technology (IT) RFP responses must be written in a way that [...]
How to Write the Best RFP Executive Summary How to write the best RFP Executive Summary is arguably the most important element of your RFP response. It tells the [...]
Many years ago, I was part of a consulting firm with a mean, curmudgeonly owner. I wasn’t a fan of his. He wasn't a fan of my writing. So, he [...]
Professional Services: RFP Creation A well-crafted, clearly-written Request for Proposal (RFP) is an invaluable tool for companies seeking new vendors or service providers. But if you’ve never put an RFP [...]
Every day I am asked how we can create winning RFP responses without being an expert in your industry? Here are my top 6 reasons of how we can navigate [...]
Have you wondered how your firm could become a supplier to Government entities? Have you considered providing your products and services to governments? If you have thought about it, you [...]
Winning RFPs is about effectively communicating a company’s value and unique capabilities. When responding to *RFP’s, RFQ’s, and RFI’s the areas where we bring an objective perspective include: Identifying details [...]
Boardroom Metrics provides RFP Consulting and Outsource Response Writing expertise to clients in the United States, Canada and Europe. Are you frustrated that your team isn't winning enough of the bids [...]