Linkedin Strategy

There are 200 million LinkedIn users online today and the numbers are growing each day – but what does that mean for business professionals? The bottom line is that you should be using LinkedIn as an integral part of your professional branding strategy.

Here are my top 10 reasons why you should log in right now to polish your profile and refine your account activity.

  1. It’s a great way to keep track of your connections – especially other thought leaders and former colleagues in your industry.
  2. It’s credible online ‘property’ for search engines, such as Google (or any search engine), to bring up when others search for you.
  3. It’s your opportunity to share your accomplishments in a professional manner.
  4. Happy clients are able to recommend you publicly for your services.
  5. It’s free!
  6. Once your profile is up and updated, your account requires little to no maintenance. Although I do recommend for you to post regularly.
  7. You can ask your connections to introduce you to their connections.
  8. You can follow updates from companies you want to work for or with.
  9. You can connect with or message those who have viewed your profile.
  10. And lastly, everyone and their grandmother is using it! As a business professional, you don’t want to get left behind so make sure you keep current with modern social media.

So what are you waiting for? Go to and sign up today to take advantage of all the free opportunities that await you for professional branding.

Like any online social media platform, you’ve got to take the good with the bad. In the end, it’s all a great learning process that will benefit you and your professional brand.

Does a LinkedIn strategy for professional branding make sense for you? Please share your thoughts in the comments below.